The Villages Old-Time Radio Drama Club

To attend a meeting you MUST show your Villages ID card,
or be a guest of a Villager!

The OTR Club meets the first Thursday of each month
at 7:00 PM NORMALLY in the
Savannah Recreation Center – The Villages, Florida

****** NEXT MEETING MAY 2, 2024 ******
See Below for Program Details
Plenty of seating at round tables.
Popcorn and soft drinks provided (or Bring Your Own).
There is a $2 donation request to cover cost of snacks and printing.


Program for MAY 2, 2024:
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar was a radio drama about a "fabulous" freelance insurance investigator "with the action-packed expense account." The show aired on CBS Radio from January 1949 to September 1962. There were 811 episodes in the 12-year run.
Each story started with a phone call from an insurance executive, calling on Johnny to investigate an unusual claim. Each story required Johnny to travel to some distant locale, usually within the United States but sometimes abroad, where he was almost always threatened with personal danger in the course of his investigations. Johnny's file on each case was usually referenced as a "matter," as in "The Silver Blue Matter" or "The Forbes Matter." Later episodes were more fanciful, with titles like "The Wayward Trout Matter" and "The Price of Fame Matter" (the latter featuring a rare guest-star appearance: Vincent Price).
Each story was recounted in flashback, as Johnny listed each line item from his expense account. Most of the items related to transportation and lodging, but no incidental expense was too small for Johnny to itemize, as in "Item nine, 10 cents. Aspirin. I needed them." Johnny usually stuck to business, but would engage in romantic dalliances with women he encountered in his travels; later episodes gave Johnny a steady girlfriend, Betty Lewis. Johnny's precious recreational time was usually spent fishing, and it was not uncommon for Johnny's clients to exploit this favorite pastime in convincing him to take on a job. The episodes generally finished with Johnny tallying up his account, making final remarks on the report, and traveling back to Hartford, Connecticut, where he was based. 

Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar


  • Introductions by Dick Bigelow for this episode of The Villages Old Time Radio Club
  • Performed LIVE by: The Villages Old Time Radio Players:
    • The OTR Players Perform Live: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar: Episode – "Thelma Isben Matter"
    • The OTR Players:
      Eldon Bell, Craig Poorbaugh, Nancy Rowland, Howard Underwood, Charlie Breitzke, Barbara Quick, and Holly Bell
  • Broadcast Trivia Game: Larry Rodkin, Trivia Master
  • Five Minute Mystery – "The Postman Didn’t Ring"
  • Old-Time Music Trivia: Classic Music
  • Plenty of seating at tables is available. Come early; Bring Your Friends!
  • Popcorn, pretzels, & soda are provided, or BYO, and Lots of Fun!
  • There is a $2 donation request to cover cost of snacks and printing.
  • **************************
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