The Villages Old-Time Radio Drama Club

To attend a meeting you MUST show your Villages ID card,
or be a guest of a Villager!

The OTR Club meets the first Thursday of each month
at 7:00 PM in the
Savannah Recreation Center – The Villages, Florida

Next meeting is a SPECIAL EVENT – March 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM
at the Savannah Recreation Center
Plenty of theater-style seating is available.
Popcorn and soft drinks provided (or Bring Your Own), and enjoy an exciting evening of drama and music.
There is a $3 donation request to cover cost of snacks, printing and transportation.

The Villages Old-Time Radio Drama club again presents a special performance by the Golden Age East Coast Theater from Clearwater presenting “The River Driver" a thrilling story from the Golden Age by L. Ron Hubbard followed by Broadway show tunes.
This special annual event will be held in the fabulous Savannah Recreation Center with plenty of seating at tables for 8 for club members, non-members, and guests. A Villages ID card is required for entry.

More information:

The Production: The East Coast Theater group from Clearwater will perform an old-time radio-style live dramatic
reading of an exciting and fast-paced story from the Golden Age titled “The River Driver” by L. Ron Hubbard followed by several Broadway-style songs sung by the sensational Joanie Sigal.

The Story: One million dollars was the prize, if the soft-fingered son of roughneck Old Man Planket could go into the woods and kill Johnny Newcome. But ... WHO IS JOHNNY NEWCOME? FIND OUT!

More about the East Coast Theater Group:

The Venue: There will be plenty of seating in the Charleston and Atlanta Ballrooms at round tables of 8 for everyone so bring a friend. Popcorn and soft drinks will be provided or you may bring your

There is a $3 donation request to cover cost of snacks, printing, and transportation.

Note: The Old-Time Radio Club meetings return to The Savannah Recreation Center on April 3, 2025 at 7 PM.

For information or questions visit our Contact page.

Save this website address – www.TheVillagesOldTimeRadio.Club

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